понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Thought of reaching skool late today but didnt end up 7.20 sharp knw just nice~ saw angela too...den er..morning assembly,den went comp lab nobody watching the IT video so slp play comp see2 walk ard went to funnyjunk hahaha funny sia the woman kiss the orang utan. Wahaha the orang utan look so innocent den the woman got blind folded so duno who or wht she kissing so kiss the orang utan luh hahaha den i duno aready...den cabot for recess at 9.40 ooooeu~ so early ahaha den jiaen chase me eeeyer so sweaty summore knw ahaha den tok awhile went to canteen den den after eat so a new group of street side eaters hahaha kesian~ no place to sit in the canteen hahahahaha den go kajiao2 the aunties awww... Den went to art room at first mr tan said change of plans not getting results den everybody lyk WTH? ish3 den den bout 12 lyk dat GOODER news getting results wooots... Happy knw ahaha so excited.
got according to reg. No. Den den after giving out mr tan gave out chocolates to ppl hu passed all 10 n got top for the sub.

Top 5 in class:����������������������������������������������
�������������������������� #1 : DANIAL
���������������������������#2 : MI�QIN
���������������������������#3 : RYAN
���������������������������#4 : ME
�������������������������� #5 : VICKI����
Top in Maths : DANIAL
Top in H.E�����: DANIAL
Top in Sci����� : DANIAL
Top in Lit�������: DANIAL
Top in Geog.�: DANIAL
Top in CL����� : CARIN
Top in ML����� : FARINI
Top in Eng��� : VICKI
Top in DT�� : VICKI ME
Top in Art����� : ME

11 ppl dat passed all 10 subs. : 1. Aliza�
�����������������������������������������������������������2. Vanessa
���������������������������������������������������������� 4. Farini
���������������������������������������������������������� 5. Mi qin
���������������������������������������������������������� 6. Me
���������������������������������������������������������� 7. Reiner
�����������������������������������������������������������8. Ryan
���������������������������������������������������������� 9.�Wei hong
��������������������������������������������������������� 11. Danial

2 ppl who made it to Express : MI QIN DANIAL

oooooeu~ congrats to all 2A2 students, congrats for making it to sec 3 woooots cool n funneyh memories where shared wahahahahahaa
congrats to all hu got promoted too knw

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hi hon

hahaha itapos;s been a really loooooooooooooong time since weapos;ve met )): im so sorryy abt the first one and you had a project meeting the second. Oh well so WHENapos;S�THE�NEXT�MEETING hahahaha.�

anyway i have so so so much to tell you and update you about. I have no idea where to start. So we HAVE�TO�MEET but firstly, about you howapos;s prep for your exams coming along dear? i hope itapos;s good i know youre being a really good girl and studying and hey u have a cool group that youre in watching movies...lol i went for a movie marathon yesterday and sunday watched tropic thunder, rock n rolla, nights in rodanthe and max payne hahahaha the movies were pretty good so if you havent watched them yet, GO kae? ((:

and...i finally traded in my s500i because not only was the mic not working, the apos;spaceapos; button for sms for screwing up and the battery life was discharging by itself really quickly and ive an iPHONE hee let u play with it the next time i see you kae prettyphone@hotmail.com manz

regarding your campers crusaders thingy, well i think itapos;s a good thing that youve taken a step towards making God a more impt person in your life WHICH�IS�A�GOOD�THING so dun feel intimidated kae? youapos;re making the effort and that is what counts

yupp so we have to go meet up and eat soon�i have a lot to tell you that i am too lazy to type out but i am happy now and i hope you are too love


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Hmm. I know I shouldnapos;t be bumming around, but I canapos;t help it. Hmm.

Class ended about two weeks ago. My exams ended roughly a week ago. All I worry about now is the batch project (oh, and the eggs I left at the boarding house Sooner or later, mabubulok na sila, waah). But the problem is, I canapos;t help with the billboards anymore - Iapos;m currently at home at Bulacan and I wouldnapos;t be able to go back to QC until the 25th.

I guess I did what I could when I was there. But I should be doing more. I mean, isnapos;t the whole point of a BATCH project is to, like, cooperate with your batchmates? Sigh. Damn it. I know, if thereapos;s a will, thereapos;s a way. And I know I shouldnapos;t be wasting my time writing this thing when I could be thinking of how to help with the project.

Iapos;m getting all worked up over something I canapos;t do anything about. But, I donapos;t believe that I canapos;t do anything about it. But, what can I do? Oh, my head is spinning.

Perhaps I can, like.. No, I canapos;t think of anything. No, if I think clearly, I can think of a way. Suppose I text Blanca and ask her if thereapos;s anything I can do. Pfft. Like I can bring whatever I finish to UP. Guess I can FedEx or DHL it. But, seriously?

My mind is such a soup of insecurities and paradoxes. Ye, gods. I think Iapos;ll just go back to watching Dexter cut up an arsonist for the umpteenth time. Or House irritating the crap out of Wilson.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


I canapos;t get rid of this freaking cough. Iapos;m so mad that I got sick this week. I went home early Wednesday and havenapos;t really done any work. Yesterday, instead of relaxing....Pablo and Jay came over. We did get breakfast and I did find out that I finally get my SideKick Slide so that part was good. But then we had to go to the bank and by the time we were finally home and alone, it was late. I should have relaxed more. Today I wrote a 10 page paper. All in one day. I have to wait until the last minute or I canapos;t write.

Tomorrow = Kohls. Iapos;m super excited for my first visit. And I want to buy some shoes too
Iapos;m hoping I can pick up my sidekick before I go out of town on Sunday.

Dani - Iapos;m coming to Orlando Sun-Thur... Want to have dinner?

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congenital malaria

This has been horrible.
NicolASS, my poor excuse of a cousin is horrible.
He came over just this weekend. weapos;ve been through tough times.
I said Hi, to him you know being nice and he was like "Yes?",
I donapos;t think that, itapos;s right to come up in my house disrespect me.
I love that boy I tell him this all the time. But of course he doesnapos;t
care one bit about me.

Iapos;m done trying, Iapos;m done apologizing.
Iapos;m done with NicolASS Stewart McLearie thatapos;s final.
Iapos;m done venting right hurrrr.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Leuk woord, "transparantie". Sinds het Enron schandaal moet ineens alles naar "realtime" waarde op de balans worden gezet. Dit geld zeker voor vaste activa, zoals je huis. Als je dan een president hebt, Bush bijvoorbeeld, die verkapt namens Fanny May, iedere armoedzaaier een eigen huis belooft, dan weet je dat er iets kan gebeuren. Voorgaand aan die actie heb je dan ook nog Greenspan met zijn gematigde groei strategie. Iedere keer als er minder bestedingen zijn door consumenten verlaag je de rente, nooit meer recessie. Verder leeft iedereen in America van zijn creditcard� en is een dubbele hypotheek normaal. Nu de armoedzaaiers ook een hypotheek aangaan kun je wachten op een probleem.

Alle bedrijven zien door de huizenprijs stijgingen ook hun vaste activa meestijgen, dat betekend dat er meer geleend kan worden Zo leent iedereen en de rente kan niet meer stelselmatig laag worden gehouden.

Dan heb je de banken, die kunnen onder dit systeem geld blijven maken, iedereen leent toch wel. Een beetje bankdirecteur gaat ook bedrijvigheid ontwikkelen. Mensen van de cijfers zijn namelijk heel erg goed in toekomst kijken en hebben feeling met de markt(not). Bank personeel dat hooguit de tent bewaakt krijgen jaarbonussen van 300k. Is heel normaal. Hoe iemand ooit zoiets verdienen kan wordt niet over nagedacht. Onlangs hadden 5 bankmanagers in London een lunch gehad ter waarde van 150.000 pond. Normale zaak, hoort er allemaal bij....

Totdat ineens al die armoedzaaiers een aflossingsprobleem kregen. Mocht je in de real estate willen, stap dan nu in de huizenmarkt in America. Ze gaan er bij bosjes uit voor 20.000 dollar.

De banken storten in, Fannie May wordt gered omdat er 8 jaar geleden een lijntje naar Washington is gelegd, de rest valt.

Wij houden ABN AMRO en Fortis verdwijnt. Kost een beetje, maar goed. Onze VOC verwant blijft� bestaan.

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Things are looking up. I think plans will be changing entirely.

Weapos;re not going to break up for a start.

Some work things may fall into place early next year making this job maybe more of a "career". Instead of doing a big travel I may do a number of small trips.

I think I would like to go somewhere before the year is out.

Pretty excited about a few things in the upcoming week.

- A Secret Death + Amity Affliction on Sunday.
- Show on Friday night at the Pot Belly, coldfront, and Taipan apparently cover "Five Days of Shit" by Deadstare
- Going to see The Butterfly effect in Sydney for the first time in a long, long time. Going to drink heaps of beer with Kelly.
- Going to see MACHINE HEAD on Sunday.

What a sweet week ahead. Iapos;m sure it will involve a large consumption of beer.

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